Tuesday, July 13, 2010

June 30 ultrasound

There she is! You can see her little hand and profile. So beautiful! I can't wait to meet her!

1 comment:

  1. OMG, Todd! I found you!... And you're pregnant! Or rather, you're beautiful wife is, I suppose. Congrats!

    What in blazes are you doing in Montana?!

    I have been trying to get in touch with you ever since I got a new phone and lost all the phone numbers on my old phone. You are a hard man to track down. But I guess that's what happens when you move to Montana. ;)

    Do you still have my phone number? (I don't want to write it here.) Are you on Facebook? (You don't appear to be any of the Todd Rigginses that I found there... and accidentally friended thinking it was you).

    Please, please get in touch with me. You are too good of a friend to lose track of again.

    All the best to you and the new family!

